Sunday, January 13, 2008

Golden shower

Bignoniaceae Pyrostegia - the Flame vine; is a native of India and is commonly known as Golden shower. This has to be one of the showiest of the garden climbers and is reminiscent of the honeysuckle. Those flowers are more wax like than wax itself. In the photograph the first of the flowers are just open, though in a few days the others will follow. Dark green foliage compliments those hot orange flowers.

This plant climbs be entwining it's tendrils around any supporting object and as such is easy to train along fences and walls. Though the flowers are short lived the plant repeat flowers throughout all but the coldest months. A plant that has to be kept frost free the base of the plant should be protected from freezing weather with heavy mulching or by wrapping the stems. Containerized specimens can be brought inside.

We will attempt to propagate cuttings from the golden shower later in the year.


  1. Anonymous2:54 am

    that's an interesting looking flower

  2. This is a flower we have admired for years, this year we will try to grow it too!
