Saturday, February 03, 2007

Seed pod2


  1. Hi Colin and Carol and belated happy 2007.

    What are these seeds? My pink trumpet vine has produced these for the first time this year, also the Tacomaria. When are they ready to plant?

  2. The seed pods which are about the size of a small boomerang are from a silk tree. I had four but lost them last year in the winter drought. So I will start from scratch this year.

    Your own seeds should be ok after the last frost if you get any down there in the deep south. Up here in the Alt Emporda winter can last three weeks and has just arrived. If you have an indoor spot you should be ok to sow now the days are getting long enough.

  3. Thanks C & C. Yes, it's warming up here, though very wet. Will start a few seeds off before the end of the month and they should be safe.

    Many thanks for advice. Happy planting.
